Registration for Core Flow-Based Market Coupling Shadow Auctions

Published: 02/03/2022 | 18:12

Dear Market Participants,

We would like to inform you that day-ahead market coupling on the Core Flow-Based  Market Coupling borders is planned to go-live on the 20th of April 2022, for market day 21st of April 2021. This means that from go-live date, explicit daily auctions on the HRHU border will cease to be performed by JAO and shadow auctions will be launched, serving as the fallback solution for the day-ahead market coupling. Additionally, a new border will be introduced for day-ahead market coupling: HUSI which is expected to go-live on the 1st of July 2022.

Also, on the DE-CZ border TSO designation will be introduced.

We are now opening the registration for the following shadow auctions: HU-SI and HR-HU.

All pertaining documents can be found on our website (Support>>Resource Center>>01. Registration). The relevant allocation rules- “Regional Shadow Allocation Rules” will be in force for the mentioned borders and it can be found on our website as well (Support>>Resource Center>>02. Auction Rules). “Daily auction rules for HU-HR border” document will cease to be valid. 

1. First time registration with JAO

Please send the Participation Agreement accepting the “Relevant Shadow Allocation Rules” in Attachment 1 section 3 and selecting relevant borders in Attachment 5, along with other registration documents.

2. Already registered with JAO

Please complete and send the Amendment No. 20 to Participation Agreement properly filled and signed, accepting the “Relevant Shadow Allocation Rules” in Attachment 1 section 3 and selecting relevant borders in Attachment 5. In addition, please send us the preferred TSO designation for DE-CZ border along with the Modification Request form. Please summarize the requested change(s) and attach the amended page(s) from the Participation Agreement also signed by the Authorized Person(s) in 2 originals.

Please note that all questions and requests are handled through the JAO ticketing platform.

To log in or register please visit:

Best regards,
Operations TEAM